Installing the apache module mod_antiloris

| Why

	Defending against DoS/DDoS attack Slowloris

| Inspired by

	How To Install Mod_Antiloris?

| How to

1. install the APache eXtenSion tool (apxs from httpd-devel)

	yum install httpd-devel

2. download the antiloris apache module


3. untar the installer

	tar -xvjf mod_antiloris-0.4.tar.bz2
	cd mod_antiloris-*

4. install the module

	apxs -a -i -c mod_antiloris.c

5. restart the apache

	service httpd restart

6. check whether mod_antiloris is loaded properly

	httpd -M

| Alternatives

	The Apache module mod_noloris