Installing GNOME Desktop on CentOS 6 Minimal

| Why

	Installing the whole GNOME desktop environment in several steps

| Sources

	Installing GNOME Desktop on Centos 6
	GNOME shows boxes

| How to

1. install the CentOS 6 Minimal ISO

	CentOS Download Mirrors (CentOS-6.2-x86_64-minimal.iso)

2. update the installed system

	yum -y update

3. install Desktop and X Window package groups

	yum groupinstall "Desktop" "X Window System"

4. install default/boxes fonts

	yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1

5. change default runlevel to 5 (X11 runlevel)

	file: /etc/inittab
	id:3:initdefault: -> id:5:initdefault:

6. reboot the computer for the settings to take effect


| Disclaimer

	I really do not use any desktop environment on server hosts:-)